Ordinary Meetings of the Parish Council
The Parish Council holds an ‘ordinary’ meeting once a month so that the ten elected members can conduct their business in public. The Agenda showing what they will discuss and decide is published three clear working days before the meeting so that everyone can know what is to be under consideration. It is displayed on the noticeboard near Effingham Post Office, The Street, and also on this website.
Each meeting is held in the King George V Hall, Browns Lane and begins at 8pm. All residents are warmly welcomed to attend and observe.
At the Chairman’s discretion, members of the public may be invited to speak during any item. Additionally, at the beginning of the meeting, up to five members of the public may address the Parish Council for up to two minutes each on matters within the Parish Council’s scope. Anyone who would like to do this should kindly give details to the Clerk before the meeting if possible as a courtesy to the Chairman.
The Minutes of any particular Parish Council meeting are not confirmed until they have been reviewed and authorised at the subsequent meeting. If you have a specific reason to see the Draft Minutes before they have been authorised, please contact the Clerk.
The Parish Council begins to discuss the budget and setting the precept in the autumn each year. Meetings in October, November and early January will usually feature this item on the Agenda.
Annual Meeting of the Parish Council
This is held each year in May. At this meeting the Chairman and Vice-Chairman stand down. Parish Councillors elect the Chairman and Vice-Chairman for the forthcoming year. All the Parish Council’s on-going subscriptions, memberships, contracts, commitments, arrangements for liaison with outside organisations and so on are reviewed and confirmed (or not).
Effingham’s Annual Parish Meeting
This is held each year in April. This is a Public Meeting led by the Chairman of the Parish Council. The Chairman presents his report and answers questions put to him by residents. Any resident can attend to raise and discuss matters within the Parish Council’s scope.